What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is based on the principle of 'like curing like' which means that a substance that can cause a disease can also relieve it. For example coffee (Coffea in Latin) is a stimulant that can cause temporary insomnia. But, in diluted homeopathic doses, Coffea can relieve insomnia. Chopping an onion can cause your nose and eyes to stream with tears. Allium cepa, the homeopathic remedy derived from onion, treats colds and hayfever where the main symptoms are a runny eyes and nose.
About 200 hundred years ago a German doctor and chemist, Samuel Hahnemann, discovered that homeopathy not only relieved symptoms, it went on to treat the root cause of the problem. The remedies used are derived from plants, minerals and metals. They are gentle, safe, inexpensive and non-addictive. Today, homeopathy is one the most widely used forms of medicine in the world.
Homeopathy works on the basis that, given the right stimulus, the body can overcome virtually any condition. Homeopathic medicines ensure that the immune system becomes strong and ensures a body’s defences aren’t compromised when it comes to fighting off infection in the future.
Homeopaths believe that the mind and body operate as one - you cannot treat one part of the body without affecting the whole. After a thorough initial consultation, a homeopath chooses remedies to fit all the characteristics of the patient as an individual. The consulting process itself often has a therapeutic effect which leads to a greater sense of well-being.
Many physical ailments like skin conditions, aches and pains or digestive issues can be attributed to mental / emotional stress or in response to a specific shock or trauma. Conventional medicine would simply treat a skin condition by applying a cream or ointment which doesn’t address the underlying causation. By treating the cause and not just the symptoms, homeopathy delivers effective and long-lasting results.